The English Channeler, part 4: CERN’s Alice and Atlas
To save myself time in having to repeat and summarize, here is a link to part 3 of The English Channeler.
If you looked closely at the aerial view of the LHC in part 3, you might have noticed the insets on the right side of the composite photo. These insets were photos of the interior of the LHC associated with two of the major projects/experiments at the LHC: Atlas and Alice.
Isn’t that peculiar? Do you think that in this multi-billion dollar project spanning well over a decade now that the CERN officials choose those names just willy-nilly. Does it not remind us of NASA?
Why are virtually all the programs and projects that NASA has run for decades called by names associated with ancient mythical gods? (E.g., Apollo, Mercury, Gemini, just to name a few.)
Over the years, we have offered a number of books to our audience (e.g., Dark Mission) in connection with my 20-part lecture series called From Inner Space to Outer Space (ISOS). We go into great detail about the alleged Nazi “UFOs.”
As with all the books and materials by others that we offer, we do not necessarily agree with all their positions or conclusions but offer it as thought-provoking reading on the subject. (We no longer stock Dark Mission.)
Then, obviously, there is the novel by Ayn Rand from 1957 called Atlas Shrugged. It had a stimulating and powerful impact on my life in terms of understanding economic systems, particularly communist-collectivism (which she grew up in and abhorred) versus free market (not crony) capitalism.
Unfortunately, Ayn Rand was an atheist (although born a Jew in Russia), and hence her philosophy is humanist, that is, she puts man’s “highest potential” as the ideal for man and nations, as epitomized in her character, Hank Riordan.
By the way, skip the movie version. I was quite disappointed. It fell far short of the depth of understanding you will obtain from reading the book.
Looking back (when I was in my late 20s), Atlas Shrugged was part of my “red pill” education, long before “red pill” came into parlance as a metaphor for being deprogrammed of all the lies we have been taught in our “higher” education and which are reinforced by the BM (Babylonian Media).
I shared a personal anecdote concerning Atlas Shrugged early in my series of lectures, Mystery Babylon and the Stone Kingdom. Her novel was one of the top sellers of the 20th century and was prophetic—not meaning biblically—but in the same sense that George Orwell’s 1984 was prophetic.
In my stint working as a Public Information Officer for a large city government, I met quite a few government bureaucrats who seemed to fit Ms. Rand’s “Wesley Mouch” character to at tee. (In the movie, they pronounce it as in “couch.” I always thought it should be pronounced “mooch,” as in “to mooch off of someone.” That fits the character she paints. ????)
In Greek mythology, Atlas was a Titan who was condemned to hold up the sky (or the world), hence when Atlas “shrugs,” the whole world (system) falls apart. Hmmm…are we not witnessing and experiencing that right now as the system of Mystery Babylon is disintegrating? Yes, indeed.
At CERN, “ATLAS is one of two general-purpose detectors at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). It investigates a wide range of physics, from the search for the Higgs boson to extra dimensions.” (Emphasis mine—JWB]
Extra dimensions? Hmmm…that leads us to ALICE. Since “Alice” is not associated with any ancient myths that I am aware of, how does their choice of “Alice” tell us anything? Sometimes I think the higher-ups first choose a name and then try to make up an acronym to fit. That is my guess about ALICE.
We find that “ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is a detector dedicated to heavy-ion physics at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).”
While the name “Alice” does not relate to ancient mythology, could it possibly be connected with a very famous literary production from the 19th century? What was Lewis Carroll’s famous novel, Alice in Wonderland, all about?
“Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (commonly Alice in Wonderland) is an 1865 English children’s novel by Lewis Carroll (a pseudonym of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson). A young girl named Alice falls through a rabbit hole into a fantasy world of anthropomorphic creatures. It is seen as a prime example of the literary nonsense genre.”
My series of lectures entitled From Inner Space to Outer Space (ISOS) explores a very broad range of “far out” and “far in” topics. “Inner Space” refers to the human mind.
The ISOS series begins with my alluding to the famous song from the hippie era called “Alice’s Restaurant,” by Arlo Guthrie. It was actually a song about “mind-expanding” drugs (i.e., inner space).
From thence in my lecture, we proceed “through the rabbit hole” and into a look at strange things in our world (e.g., monoatomic gold, its very weird properties, and where it is found in the Bible) and out of this world (into hyperdimensional physics and multiple dimensions; again, as found in the Scriptures).
Plus, we show the connections among UFOs, the Nazi secret space program, NASA, and much more. For a more complete description of ISOS and the synopses of all 20 lectures in the ISOS and how to obtain them, click here.
In 1871 Lewis Carroll published a sequel to his “Alice” fantasy. It was called Through the Looking-Glass. Have you ever heard of “Project Looking Glass?” That is another “button” being pushed by the English channeler’s spirit guides.
“Project Looking Glass” is alleged to be a (formerly, of course) top secret program in which children, and later adults were sent “through the looking glass” backward and eventually forward in time.
Those readers who receive our monthly postal mailing are well aware that for several years we have carried the first four volumes of Dr. Michael Salla’s Secret Space Program series of books. Again, my disclaimer: I do not necessarily agree with everything he writes and produces, but he has done extensive research into all these related topics.
Here, is a link where Dr. Salla discusses Project Looking Glass, HRC, Q, and—of all things—the Montauk Project. Over two decades ago, I had read several of the books, and I had personally met Al Bielek some years ago in a tiny group setting.
That gets into the alleged time travel of Mr. Bielek stemming from the “Philadelphia Experiment” by the U. S. Navy in 1943. No time for discussion of all that here, but once again, it relates to “other dimensions.” Truth is always stranger than fiction.
So…, with a deeper, more critical study of this “literary nonsense,” one might conclude that Alice in Wonderland is an allegory about going through a portal into another dimension. Of both time and space? Hello, CERN! What have you been up to there, eh? Up to no good perhaps?
“Alice in Wonderland” was part of the Q posts, a code revealed to be referring to HRC (Hillary Rodham Clinton). There is information extant on the web that suggests that HRC “never thought she would lose,” because she supposedly had access to a “looking glass” device.
With that device she believed she saw the future with herself as President. Very fascinating reading/viewing. Do your own homework. And be discerning. I still have more to share, but that will have to wait.
(To be continued.)