May Day! May Day!
A call to a Prayer Campaign
In the course of this ministry work, there have been a few Amish, and old-order Mennonites, and other (non-old order) Mennonites with whom I have become acquainted—less than a dozen, actually. That is why my spiritual antenna perked up on May 1st when I received a phone call during the course of composing the “Law Day” blog.
The first call was from a man whom I had met at our Conference in the spring of 2013. We had been led to hold it in the tiny, crossroads town of Gap, Pennsylvania—located in Lancaster County, which is heavily populated with Amish and Mennonites. This man lives there in the Gap area and he is Amish or Mennonite, I cannot remember exactly which. (The two groups are closely related in history and in practice.) He and I chatted for a few minutes and I went back to composing the blog.
About two hours later I took a call from a man who lives here in North Carolina who told me that he and his wife and I had met when they attended our Pentecost Conference last June in Charlotte. I confessed that I only vaguely remembered meeting them. To protect his identity, I will refer to him as “Mr. T.” or “T.” in this blog.
Mr. T. and I had a long conversation as he told me about three reasons why he felt impelled to call me. First, he had just received in the mail and had read the May edition of Feed My Sheep, in which I am commencing a study of the Salt Covenant in the Bible. More on that later. To receive the free monthly Feed My Sheep mailings, sign up here.
He shared why he believed that this little-known covenant is so important. Secondly, he wanted to make me aware of a comet named Atlas, which is presently coursing through our solar system. More on that later also.
Thirdly, he shared about a vivid dream he had early in the morning of that day (May 1st), which he felt was from the Lord. I was intrigued. At some point in the conversation I mentioned his name and guessed that he might be from an Amish background. “Mennonite,” he replied.
What a coincidence, I voiced while chuckling. Chuckling because I do not believe in “coincidences,” meaning some things happen by chance, and/or for no reason. Rather, I believe that all things are from our sovereign Father-God who ordains (predestinates) all things according to His grand Plan.
Therefore, because his was the second call that day from an Amish/Mennonite person, I knew this call was about something special for this time. (Neither of these gentlemen had ever called me previously and they do not know each other.)
The account here following is my paraphrastic account of his dream. Mr. T. saw America in microcosm on this day (which was May 1st when he dreamt it). People were happy and joyfully celebrating the end (or near the end) of the Coronavirus (CV) pandemic. They were outside on a warm and beautiful sunny day, flying and/or waving American flags, reminiscent of many patriotic, nationwide 4th of July celebrations.
T. then realized that he himself was a “player” in the dream. He was not in the celebratory group, but he was standing nearby. The group numbered perhaps one or two dozen adults. For a time, Mr. T. simply observed their exuberant joy and relief that the “plague” was over.
They seemed unaware of his presence. Suddenly, in the dream, he heard, “May Day! May Day!” (Which is the international distress call broadcast by ships in the sea or ships in the air.) This was followed by the clear voice he knew was the Father, who said: “I am going to bring this country to its knees.”
T. approached the group. Some did not appear to notice him and certainly paid no attention when he spoke. Others turned around, noticed him, and heard him as he told them the word: “Listen, God said, ‘I am going to bring this nation to its knees.’” Those who had heard him turned back and continued with their celebrations, as though they also had not heard a single word. End of dream.
That evening (May 1st) I was watching the news or perhaps it was one of the opinion shows on Fox News. In any case, Susan Ferrichio (former Congressional staffer, now a Congressional correspondent for the reasonably conservative Washington Examiner) was among the guest pundits on the program, all of whom were remotely part of the program via Skype or its equivalent.
At one point, she stated, “This Coronavirus brought this country to its knees.” Is that true? Well, yes, the CV crisis has brought us “to our knees” economically; but not spiritually—and that is the most important thing to realize.
And that is why T’s dream resonated so much with my spirit. As much as I like (most of) what I see our President doing, I have always felt a check in my spirit that he cannot be a deliverer unless and until the people repent. Forty years ago, very few Christians were familiar with 2 Chronicles 7:14. Praise God, there is some progress as it is now becoming almost as common in evangelical Christianity as John 3:16.
KJV 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
I have noticed that VPOTUS Pence often closes his portion of the formerly daily WH CV briefings with something about “heal our land.” I am fully aware that many have questions about Pence’s loyalty to God and country—is it real or feigned?
For examples: 1. his wife was given an envelope/note at GHW Bush’s funeral, 2. The alleged Pence trip to Epstein island, 3. The alleged adreno use, and numerous other alleged misdeeds. Are they true? Or are they scurrilous and false accusations which easily can “go viral” and circulate via the internet without anyone being able to truly verify almost any of it. I do not know of the veracity of any of them…except #1, which many of us have witnessed as we watched the funeral from the Washington National Cathedral.
Or is it possible that Pence was flipped by Trump and his team? Note: “flipped” = repentance = change sides = turn from one’s wicked ways. We shall see. “By their fruits…” In this regard, is this “noble,” VPOTUS Pence in the process of having his “heart reset,” in having the “beast heart” replaced by a man’s heart? Today, I join with my colleague, Dr. Stephen Jones, in the “Bind the Nobles” Prayer Campaign.
Specifically, I quote from his blog today: “We have come to the end of the ‘seven times’ judgment cycle, wherein God gave dominion to this beast system that has had the heart and mind of a beast. That is, the Babylonian succession of world empires has functioned from a motive of self-interest to dominate others and to use them as ‘prey.’ That time, as I have shown previously, expired in October 2017, and we have been watching the collapse of the world system since then.”
I expect we shall soon see many modern “nobles,” i.e., those formerly aligned with Mystery Babylon, repenting. Will you rejoice? If you feel so led, join with us in the Prayer Campaign. Stephen has outlined the simple process to be a part of this. It will culminate on Thursday, the National Day of Prayer.
It is clear from 2 Chronicles 7:14 that repentance must precede deliverance. The unanswered question in my mind has always been whether or not the entire nation—330 million of us—must be individually repentant to qualify for national salvation/deliverance from Mystery Babylon.
If so, then Trump will be unable to be a God-ordained deliverer because I do not see our USA as anywhere near such repentance. On the other hand, I have been a participant (as part of a large body at some of our Conferences and privately with a very small group from time to time) who have felt led to repent on behalf of the whole nation.
We have used Daniel’s prayer for all Israel (chapter 9) as our model and as one of the Scripture passages which seem to indicate that such “national repentance” is legitimate and sufficient for the Father to move favorably upon the nation.
When Mr. T. related his dream, I also immediately remembered how in several blogs which I had posted recently from my series Mystery Babylon and the Stone Kingdom, chapter 2: here and here, how I had shown from the story of Gideon, that before God sends a deliverer, He first sends a prophet to teach the people their history, and teach the people why they are in such a national mess. When the people understand where they have gone wrong, then they have the understanding to realize they must repent!
So, at this point, not knowing if our group of aspiring overcomers’ prayer and repentance on behalf of the nation is sufficient, I continue to teach our people our history—from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21—with excursions into world history wherever appropriate to show how God’s Word has been and continues to be fulfilled in every era throughout history.
That is what the MBSK series-in-progress is all about: teaching the Scriptures through history. With that Spirit-led understanding we can have our faith fortified to be able to state with divine confidence that Mystery Babylon is falling, and the Stone Kingdom is ready to come forth in its fulness!
Coming soon—the Comet Atlas connections!