More on President Trump’s Scottish bloodline foreshadows Christian revival!
On April 18th, I published a blog entitled President Trump’s Scottish bloodline foreshadows Christian revival! Many viewers responded to say how they were thrilled with those revelations! I want to share with you here responses from two respondents who both have interesting experiences which connect with the story of Donald’s ancestry.
The first is from a couple in Louisiana, who happen to have a second home in Ireland. Len and Barbara have been good friends of mine for well over 20 years. The second is from a group of dear friends in Northern Ireland who sent me a video which is related to the calling of Donald Trump. First, here is Len’s story:
I find it quite amazing that several videos dealing with President Trump’s family connection to the Isle of Lewis and the Hebridean Revival have been online since shortly after he was elected to the U. S. presidency. Obviously, it is all about God’s timing.
When I was a student at Prairie Bible Institute [Alberta, Canada] in 1966 and ’67, we had a missionary Bible Conference in the fall and another, somewhat larger one in the spring at the end of each school year. At one of these conferences, I think it was the fall of 1966, one of our guest speakers was Duncan Campbell, [prominently featured in my aforementioned blogpost] founder of Faith Mission and Faith Mission Bible College in Edinburgh, Scotland. He told several stories about the Hebridean Revival.
The story which stuck in my mind the most is as follows: These two elderly sisters, Peggy and Christine Smith, had been praying regularly for revival in the Hebrides. They met regularly for prayer with their neighbor, an elderly gentleman named John. (I think that he must have been the blacksmith mentioned in some of the videos.) They had asked Reverend Duncan Campbell to come with a group of Scottish clergymen to pray intensively for much needed revival.
They were meeting in John’s house. After all of the preachers had prayed (over two hours, all told), Duncan turned to John and said, “John, would you take us before the throne of grace?” Shortly after John began to pray, a mighty wind began to blow INSIDE the house. The stone cottage began to shake like in an earthquake. The tremors of the house were so violent that the dishes were shaken out of the kitchen cupboards and broke on the floor.
Very shortly after the shaking of the house, another incident happened. There were two men who had had a blood feud for years. One of them went to the other’s farm, intending to kill him. As he walked around the neighbor’s cow byre, he came face to face with his enemy. At that moment, the power of the Holy Spirit fell on both men. They dropped to their knees, weeping and praying in abject repentance.
Shortly thereafter they went to the village hall where a dance was in progress. As they entered, arm in arm, with tears running down their faces, a few people left the hall, literally running from God. Everyone else fell to their knees, crying in repentance. This was the first of many spectacular appearances of the Spirit of God from 1949 to 1952.
About three years after hearing this story from Duncan Campbell, I was in the U. S. Navy, and was transferred to a submarine tender, the USS Simon Lake, stationed in the Holy Loch near Dunoon, Scotland. Shortly after arriving there, I met Mr. Charles Black, a famous baker (Black’s Shortbread). He was a lay preacher in the Church of Scotland, and served as our Protestant Chaplain. He came to the ship to conduct a service on Sunday morning.
We had a Roman Catholic priest, Father Murphy, who met us for indoctrination upon arrival to the ship. His introduction consisted of, “Hi, I am Father Murphy. I hold mass on Sunday morning, and confession at 6 p. m. on Wednesday. Don’t come to me with your personal problems; I am not your mother.”
Being a Christian away from home in a Godless environment, I really needed Christian fellowship. Mr. Black and I became close friends very shortly. Soon thereafter, I recounted this story which Reverend Duncan Campbell had told us at PBI. He responded with, “I can vouch for every word of this story. I was the only lay minister in this group of clergymen which met for prayer that night.”
Shortly after meeting Mr. Black, I made a trip across the country to Edinburgh to visit Ken Buchanan. He had been a teacher at Prairie Bible Institute when I was a student there. After meeting Duncan Campbell, Ken had accepted a teaching position at Faith Mission Bible College in Edinburgh. I visited him and his family a few times, and got to spend an afternoon visiting at Faith Mission Bible College, too.
I think that the recent attention which has come to President Trump’s connections to the Scottish revival is very significant. I read the story which Dr. Bruggeman had posted on Saturday morning. Later that day, an old high school classmate sent me a different U Tube video by Dr. Clarence Sexton, dealing with this same story. The following morning, another friend sent me the same link to Dr. Sexton’s story. The story of Donald Trump’s connection to the Hebridean Revival has been online since right after his inauguration, yet hardly anyone noticed it. Now, in Father’s perfect timing, it is spreading like wildfire. END of Len’s testimony.
For ten successive years, we (SKM) held Bible conferences in various locations around Philadelphia. After that, we held conferences for four successive years in suburban Washington, D. C., specifically, in Manassas, Virginia. At the first one (April 2009), a group of 12 brothers and sisters-in-Christ made the trip from Northern Ireland to join with us. They quickly became dear to the hearts of many of us who were there.
After seeing my post of President Trump’s Scottish bloodline foreshadows Christian revival, several of the Irish contingent emailed me to tell of their excitement to see this video, and that they, too, had received it from other friends in Ireland in the past few days—so it is indeed going viral. A day later, another couple from the Irish delegation of 12 sent me a link to a long video, which thankfully, was marked to jump to the starting point they suggested. Here is what they wrote:
Hi, James, In light of your blog and video concerning Donald Trump, I was reminded of this video of our friend, Rose, who was in America in 2018 and it links beautifully with what you have shared. If you watch from the 1:26:30 mark, she shares the story [regarding Donald’s Celtic ancestry and possible calling]. We would also recommend watching the Irish dancers. Much love and blessings from this side of the pond, Fiona and Joe
Incidentally, I [JWB] read (but cannot now personally verify) that the Dutch Sheets Ministry could not find—or were turned down from—a suitable venue in the capital for the conference in this video, and ended up in the Trump Hotel in D. C. How appropriate for the word that came forth at that conference!
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