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Coronavirus and ten days of darkness?

Mar 31, 2020

Or three days of darkness per Exodus?

Just two months ago, we were eagerly anticipating our Passover-Resurrection Bible Conference to be convened April 9-13 in Knoxville, Tennessee. How quickly the world has changed!

Dr. Stephen Jones, of God’s Kingdom Ministries, and I along with a few others met via the internet on Sunday evening to seek the Lord’s guidance and discernment concerning what we should be doing during this time of great national (and global) crisis and uncertainty.

It was discerned that we are to hold a Prayer Campaign April 8-10. Stephen agreed to compose a blog to explain it and offer suggested prayers. We as Christians realize that the ancient Israelite ritual of sacrificing a lamb for the Passover was a type and shadow of the once and for all sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

So that since then, we by faith in His shed blood, symbolically apply that blood to our “doorposts and lintel” (our mind/soul) and trust in His protection at all times, but especially now during what could possibly be our exodus from modern “Egypt.” (Egypt represents the evil world system.) I do not expect the darkness to be literal during the next ten days, starting tomorrow.

The children of Israel in Goshen had light while all Egypt was in darkness (the ninth plague). But when it came to the tenth and final plague, the death of the firstborn, the Israelites were not automatically spared; they had to sacrifice the lamb and apply the blood to avoid being smitten by the death angel.

So, in this time of year when we observe our Lord’s Passover sacrifice of Himself, we especially place ourselves under His blood and protection. Believers in Him the world over can join with us. All the details are here in Stephen’s blog. If you feel so led, please join with us on those dates.

Category: Current Events