Who are modern Ephraim and Manasseh, part 2
I will not repeat from the previous blog. So if you have not read it, please do so in order to understand the context of the continuing discussion here. (Click on the appropriate link in the column to the left, or the link at the end of this blog to go to the previous post.)
I checked my 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica and found nothing on the term “British Commonwealth” except that which referred to the time of Oliver Cromwell in the 1600s. If any reference book ought to have an expansive article on the British Commonwealth, one would think it would be the Encyclopedia Britannica. Well, there is a good reason for that which becomes clear as I located these entries under “British Commonwealth” from two other encyclopedias. The first is from the Colliers Encyclopedia from 1932.
“The British Commonwealth of Nations is one of the three constituent parts of the British Empire, the other two being the Indian Empire and the British Colonial Empire. The term British Commonwealth, which came into vogue during the World War [that being WW I], is sometimes employed as a synonym of British Empire, but the better usage confines it to the self-governing parts of the Empire.
“The British Commonwealth, in this sense, consists of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the senior partner of the Commonwealth; the Irish Free State, separated from the United Kingdom in 1922 and since then under a Dominion form of government, and the overseas British Dominions, namely, the Dominion of Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa and the self-governing colony of Newfoundland.”
That was 1932. Now here is the article from the Worldscope Encyclopedia of 1958 (emphases mine):
“British Commonwealth of Nations, officially (since 1949) the Commonwealth of Nations, the all-embracing designation for the communities comprising the British Empire. The form of government in each territory is determined by its size, its capacity to defend itself, and the cultural level and political experience of its inhabitants, who are as diverse as the pieces in a kaleidoscope.
“All these communities used to be formerly described as “The British Empire,” but some 20 years ago the great South African statesman, Gen. Smuts, pointed out that it was misleading to describe the self-governing dominions as an empire, and that they really formed a ‘Commonwealth of Nations.’ This phrase has been generally accepted, and as now used, it often includes those territories which have not yet reached dominion status but which are regarded as ‘junior partners’ rather than possessions.”
So there you have it. Then I checked the Encyclopedia Britannica [EB] under “British Empire, “and needless to say, it had an enormous article spanning many pages, with many maps and charts. Among the charts are all sorts of statistics, such as the populations and racial composition of the various components of the Empire or Commonwealth. There were 56 countries in the Commonwealth listed in the chart in the 1932 Colliers. There were 55 listed in the chart in the 1958 Worldscope Encyclopedia. As you read this list, be thinking of the racial composition. My comments are in [brackets] to assist the reader in perceiving the racial composition. Grouped by continents, they are:
- 3 in Europe [Great Britain & N. Ireland, Gibraltar and Malta]
- 31 in Africa
- 11 in the Americas [including the Central American country now known as Belize, the South American country now known as Guyana, and many isles of the Caribbean]
- 10 in Australasia [including Fiji, New Guinea, Papua, Tonga and Western Samoa]
It should be obvious that the vast majority of the population of the British Commonwealth is not Saxon-Israelite. Keeping in mind that we understand that the children of Israel today constitute only a portion of the white race, Colliers Encyclopedia states: “The total white population of the Commonwealth is approximately 70,000,000, of whom, 45,000,000 reside in the United Kingdom.”
Moreover, the article from the EB states that “Throughout the empire, and notably in the United Kingdom there is among the white races a considerable sprinkling of Jewish blood.”
Therefore, I pose this question: the prophecy stated that “Ephraim shall be greater than Manasseh, and Ephraim’s seed (literal descendants) shall become a multitude of nations.” This prophecy does not say that Ephraim would rule over a collection of nations composed primarily of other races (seeds). So if the company of nations is not the British Commonwealth, where then is it? I suggest that you are living in it!
We who were born here in the USA and have lived all our lives here tend to forget (or were never taught) that the word “state” has always and everywhere meant “nation.” Recall that our Founding Fathers initially saw us as being a confederation—a company, if you will—of independent nation-states. These days, many Americans tend to think of our 50 states as provinces, sub-parts of a whole, as opposed to being individual nation-states in themselves, as was the original intent of the Founders. I just re-read the Declaration of Independence which verifies this fact.
Former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan often referred to the various member-nations of the United Nations as “member-states.” States means nations. We—the USA—are a “company of nations,” and the Israelite population of the United States far outnumbers that of the Israelite population of the British Commonwealth.
To re-quote the late Bible scholar, Dr. Howard Rand: “Numerical superiority was promised to Ephraim and this has been so ever since his descendants became a commonwealth of nations.”
I beg to differ, my esteemed brother, Dr. Rand. I have enormous respect for your work, but it appears to me that the United States of America, that is, the company of nations of America, better fulfills this prophecy of numerical superiority. To add to that, look at verse 19 once more (and again, I reinsert the proper names for the pronouns):
19 … Manasseh also shall become a people, and Manasseh also shall be great: but truly his younger brother Ephraim shall be greater than Manasseh, …
Just as Manasseh was the elder brother of the two, so also England/Great Britain matured to greatness first, as history fulfilled the Word of God. But the younger nation, Ephraim, which only became a nation in 1776, became greater than the elder brother Manasseh.
With the hindsight of history, we can now see that although Great Britain was indeed great, she reached her zenith in the late 1800s. By the turn of the 20th century, the United States—may I call us the United Nations of America—was clearly becoming the greater of the two. A few years later, that was borne out with World War I, as it became apparent that our cousins, the Brits, would lose the war unless the United States entered the war.
Twenty some years later, it happened again, only this time the outcome for Britain was even more obvious and dire. Great Britain clearly would have been defeated, had not the United States been engineered into the war by the treachery of President Franklin Roosevelt regarding his luring the Japanese to attack us at Pearl Harbor.
History has now shown that the United States of America has become the most powerful and the greatest nation in all of history—certainly greater than even Great Britain was. And so, from the perspective of the present discussion, I would suggest that Manasseh is Great Britain. It fulfills the prophecy of Jacob-Israel when he declared “Manasseh also shall become great…” That is, Great Britain.
But some contend that America is Manasseh because “Manasseh was numbered as the 13th tribe and furthermore, James, just look at all the number 13s in our colonial heritage!” No question about that. There are many. In fact, there are 13 thirteens in our national heraldry, so doesn’t that give strong evidence that we are Manasseh?
Well, that makes sense on the surface. However, look at the premise of the argument. As we have seen, Jacob adopted Ephraim and Manasseh in place of Reuben and Simeon. But Reuben and Simeon were numbers one and two among the sons of Jacob-Israel. In the adoption ceremony of Genesis 48, Jacob declared “as Reuben and Simeon, Ephraim and Manasseh shall be mine.” Therefore, Manasseh was not the 13th tribe, but rather second in line.
Therefore, the idea is false that the United States has to be Manasseh because we began with 13 colonies, etc. To be sure, there is importance to all the 13s in our heraldry, and I shall return to address that before we conclude this study. Do not jump to any conclusions at this point because there are more levels to this prophecy. And even though we carry and promote the book, Our Great Seal (below), by my late and dear friend, E. Raymond Capt, I feel that if I could talk to Ray now, he would open to reconsidering his opinion on Manasseh = USA. (To be continued.)
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Our Great Seal: The Symbols of our Heritage and our Destiny
As more and more American Christians become familiar with the machinations of various secret societies, some become “spooked” because, for example, the “All-Seeing Eye” of the Egyptian god, Horus, is featured prominently on our Great Seal. However, there is another way to understand those symbols.
(from the book’s cover) Were the symbols on our Great Seal simply chosen by chance? Or were our Founding Fathers guided to no small degree (whether they knew it or not) by the All-wise, overruling Divine Providence?
Is it by accident that every device on the Obverse face of the Great Seal can be linked to our origin in ancient Israel? And that the Reverse of the Seal symbolically portrays Israel under the New Covenant? (Eph. 2:21, 22)
Can it simply be a coincidence that the 13th tribe of Israel, Manasseh, was prophesied in the Bible to become a “great nation” in the latter days, and inherit the many prophetic blessings of the “birthright nation”? The number “13” figures prominently on our Great Seal. Additionally, America is the final regathering place for all 13 tribes.
Can it just be by chance that the “7 times punishment” (2520 years) of the Tribe of Manasseh, which began with the Assyrian Captivity in 740 B.C., ended in 1781, the year the United States gained independence from Great Britain? After carefully reading the evidence presented in Our Great Seal, the reader will surely come away impressed that the United States of America is the glorious end-time nation of regathered Israel, the “New JerUSAlem” of Bible prophecy.
Our Great Seal by Bible archeologist E. Raymond Capt — 2008 edition, revised and expanded, 120 pages, appendices(including: George Washington’s Vision of America’s future with commentary by Mr. Capt.)
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