Super Bowl 2013-part 5
by our anonymous Really Good News reporter
Eventually a breach developed between Judah and Joseph when God separated the 12 tribes into two divisions of the House of Judah (Judah and Benjamin) and the House of Israel (named for the two sons of Joseph-Manasseh and Ephraim).
When Jesus appeared on the scene in His first coming, He came from the tribe of Judah, but as the Son of Joseph. He became the pattern Son of Father’s intent about how He was going to repair the breach between Judah, the King and Joseph, the Kingdom.
When Jesus died, He was placed in Joseph’s tomb. Jesus was the ruler from Judah and He represents the rod of authority. This is a masculine symbol. Joseph’s tomb is a womb in type and shadow. Joseph is feminine in type because the Kingdom will be ruled in mercy and grace. This (tomb, womb, heart) is the location where Judah, the King, and Joseph, the Kingdom, become united as one, but not fully so until the third day resurrection.
Jesus told us in Matthew 12:40 that Joseph’s tomb was in the “heart of the earth.” Just as Jesus came the first time as a Son of Joseph, so must He come in His second appearance. Joseph had two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim. The Bible says that Joshua came from the tribe of Ephraim. Ephraim means double ash heap and doubly fruitful.
We have already made the connection earlier that Jesus and Joshua are really the same. While both names mean Savior, the Bible actually tells us that Jesus must come first as the two tribes, (Judah and Benjamin) followed on the “third day” by the ten tribes of the House of Israel, led by the sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh.
Jesus’ resurrection on the third day from Joseph’s tomb, embodies the repaired breach between Judah and Joseph. The Bible makes reference to this resurrection as a birthing of a manchild, in both the Old Testament and chapter 12 of Revelation. When a child is born, the head of the child appears first, followed by the neck and then the rest of the body from the shoulders down. Once the shoulders clear the womb, the rest of the body follows immediately.
The apostle Paul called Jesus the Head of the Body of Christ. Forty nine days after His resurrection, He was followed by the apostles from the tribe of Benjamin. Moses said in Deuteronomy 33:12, that Benjamin dwelt between the shoulders, marking his location as the neck. This part of the birthing all took place in the city of old Jerusalem, which was a city in the territory of Benjamin. When God split the 12 tribes, He left Benjamin as a “light in Jerusalem for Judah.”
The Joseph part of the manchild’s body, (from the shoulders down) does not appear until the third day. Joseph was buried at Shechem, which means shoulder. Shechem is located in the tribal territory of Manasseh. Jesus was placed in Joseph of Arimathea’s grave.
The name of Arimathea is derived from the Hebrew word Ramah, which is located in the territory of Ephraim. Thus, the tomb of Joseph is ingeniously identified as both Manasseh and Ephraim, or the two shoulders of Joseph. This makes Benjamin the connecting rod between Judah and Joseph and this comes fully to light on the third day.
We can now see that Jesus’ third day resurrection (2 Peter 3:8 says a day is a thousand years) comes in the form of Joshua, as the now united Head and Body as one, thus following the exact pattern established by Jesus in His first appearance. The King and the Kingdom are now one.
The gematria for Jesus’ name in Greek is 888. Several years ago it was realized that Jesus’ second appearing as Joshua would be “doubly fruitful” because Joshua was from Ephraim. So we simply doubled the gematria for Jesus’ name (888 x 2 = 1776). This immediately equated the third day appearing with the City of Philadelphia. The first time the actual name “New Jerusalem” appears in Scripture is found in Revelation 3:12, when Jesus is addressing the Church of Philadelphia.
This City, known as the City of Brotherly Love, was founded by a Quaker named William Penn. The Quakers were known as the Society of Friends and they taught that the Light of Christ is already in the heart of every man, even if the darkness does not yet perceive it.
The heart of each member of mankind, whether they are male or female, will be the birthing location of Yahshua/Jesus Christ in the form of Joshua. Since the belly, womb and heart are all interchangeable in Hebrew, this connection can easily be seen.
Each person is a type of the Virgin Mary in this birthing process and judging by daily reports of events from around the globe, the actual birth appears to be getting closer and closer to its completion. Even “Mother Earth” appears to be manifesting birth pangs with all of the earthquakes, volcanoes and weather related forms of upheaval that seem to be coming faster and faster, with ever greater intensity.
Mary’s name means “rebellion” and its root word is associated with disobedience. Who among us is not guilty of the characteristics of rebellion, which often manifests through bitterness in our hearts? This bitterness is always rooted in pride and our rebellious natures will not be fully cleansed until the gall stones of bitterness are rolled away from our hearts.
Furthermore, in 1 Samuel 15:23, the prophet tells King Saul that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and that stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. From that point forward, Saul fell victim to lying spirits and eventually met his end after consulting with the witch of Endor. Because of Saul’s rebellion, he succumbed to witchcraft and brought about his own destruction. Saul died as a bitter, broken man. Lesser known is the fact that Moses also fell victim to witchcraft when the Bible says that he rebelled when he struck the rock, rather than speaking to it as God had instructed him. This is recorded in Numbers 27:14. The word rebelled is simply the verb form of rebellion as recorded in Saul’s story. Moses sinned because of his anger and stubbornness, thus presenting a false image to the people that God was angry with them.
Like Jesus, we are called to become Kings and Priests of the Most High God. Saul played the role of the king, while Moses played the role of the priest. Saul represents the church because he was crowned king on the same day that would be later known as Pentecost, while Moses was the priest while Israel was in the wilderness. Both of these Old Testament types represent a picture of the church age, immediately prior to the entrance into the Promised Land.
Could the end of the church age, as symbolized by the respective ends of Saul and Moses, have been any more visible than it was in many of the Super Bowl commercials and the halftime performance, that were openly displaying forms of rebellion and witchcraft, with the devil himself even making an appearance in a Mercedes Benz commercial? Here are some links. (First two videos are no longer available.)
(To be continued.)