Jesus is King in America! Hallelujah!
I like to refer to our friends, Dr. Stephen Jones and Ron Oja, as our “official timekeepers.” They are our “men of Issachar.” And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do;… (1 Chronicles 12:32) Stephen’s book, Secrets of Time, is a must read for all Christians who want a deeper understanding of God’s timing.
Ron had spoken of Jesus being crowned King a long time before we saw the first witness of that as the Promise Keepers held a rally in the nation’s capital in October of 1997 and did just that. Over the past several years, Ron said we would see the second witness in 2010 (which could be viewed as running from the Feast of Tabernacles in September, 2010 to Tabernacles of 2011).
At the first performance of Messiah in London on March 23, 1743, King George II was in attendance. As the glorious and majestic Hallelujah chorus commenced, King George rose from his seat and remained standing until the last echo of “-Yah” had faded. Because the king arose, so did everyone else in his presence—of both audience and orchestra. This tradition of standing for the Hallelujah chorus has lasted for over two and a half centuries.
No one knows for certain why King George stood, but we favor this explanation: Since the Hallelujah chorus obviously exalts Jesus Christ as the King of kings, then as was and is the custom that one stands in the presence of royalty as a sign of honor and respect, King George II acknowledged that he himself is a subject of King Jesus, the Lord of lords.
We can forgive some of the diners in the food court in the shopping mall in this video because many of them are no doubt unaware of the tradition. But as Stephen wrote in his blog: “Do you get the feeling that Christ is being crowned King in America this year? How long will it take the government to catch on?”
As a choir member many years ago, I sang this chorus many times. It never failed to send shivers up and down my spine. And I am not ashamed to say that sixty seconds into this video, tears were rolling down my cheeks. Do not view this event as simply some stunt by a local choir somewhere; this is a sign of God’s people awakening and they are taking the news that Jesus reigns to the commercial centers of America! He reigns in the marketplace as well as in our hearts! Hallelu-Yah!
The CD double album is available from us via mail order.
M-100 Handel’s Messiah – John Rutter • The Cambridge Singers and Royal Philharmonic Orchestra • All 3 parts comprise 2 CDs • 24 page Program Booklet includes all the lyrics, history of Messiah, and performance notes • $24.95
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