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E-MAIL POLICY: Please understand that we have neither the staff nor time to respond to any emails. This is not the place to ask questions about your order, or to request replacements for defective CDs, DVD, etc. Call or send a note by U.S. mail. It is strictly for your convenience to send us your thoughts and comments. By emailing us, you understand that we may publish any or all of your email.
Disclaimer: There are only two types of material on this website with which we, Stone Kingdom Ministries, agree 100 percent: (1) the Word of God, the Holy Bible; and (2) our own writings. Insofar as our own material, however, we reserve the right to be wrong in our own understanding. Thankfully, the Word of God is never in error.
All other material placed on this website or linked to it is published with the understanding that each item has something which may interest the reader, but it in no way connotes that we are in total (or even substantial) agreement with materials by others on this website or linked to it. Caveat lector.
Contact Details
Tel: 828-277-7733
Address: PO Box 5695
Asheville, NC 28813